We are HUGE fans of keeping it real at Christmas, and filling homes with the smell and festive vibes that a real Christmas tree brings.
There are always things to consider when deciding whether to go for a real or artificial tree.
Check out the list below to decide whether a real Christmas tree is right for your home this year:
Support Local: When you purchase your real Christmas tree from Mike's Xmas Trees you are supporting a small, local business that operates in your community.
The Smell! The pine tree smell can immediately transport you to a Christmas memory. It also provides a touch of the Christmas tradition that those in the wintery north experience during December.
Better for the Planet: Real trees absorb carbon as they grow and once they are cut, seedlings are planted to replace them. Real Christmas trees are biodegradable and you can recycle them. While artificial trees are reusable, most cannot be recycled and end up in landfill.
Cut to Order: Real trees are cut the morning they are delivered, and we only cut the amount that have been ordered. If something happens and we have trees that are unclaimed, then they are donated to the Glen Innes Family Store to ensure they find a Christmas loving home.
Go Big! You can go all out on a huge, dramatic tree and not have to worry about where you are going to store it for the other 11 months of the year.
Making Christmas Memories: While our trees can be delivered to your door, you can also pile into the car and head down to a pop up site to wander through the trees and choose the perfect one for your home in person.
Hayfever! If you are struck down every time someone mows their lawn, a real Christmas tree may not be right for you.
Maintenance: Your real tree needs some love to stay fresh and green through to Christmas, although it is as simple as keeping it out of the sun and watered.
Removal: Once Christmas is over your tree and your tree starts to lose its Christmas cheer, you need to find a way for it to be removed and recycled. We offer a removal service (from $30) and will recycle your tree for you.